So I am a major slacker in the blogging world. I feel like all I do is sleep, but in my defense I am growing limbs and such right inside me!! Started going to the gym again. FINALLY! Can barely walk but feelin good. After the first day I realized I could've gone much earlier but chalk it all up to pure laziness. MEH. I totally stole these pictures from my sister's blog and wanted to reiterate that my daughter is crazy! And her object of affection poor little Eden.
The Ever so famous love hold, we don't choke...
Mind you that Ever's hair had to be remastered several times by this point. I do groom my child but she rips it out faster than I can control it, it was very cute that day.
Eden has started crying when she sees Miss Ever walk into the room, it's very sad because all she wants to do is give a little love. Soft is not a word she understands yet. I fear for June...