I had to wait for my sisters to post things on Halloween cause I didn't take out my camera!! So I totally stole these from Marie's blog... This is my dad with the
chicklets of Thursday for the ward Trunk or Treat, Brennen insisted on being a baseball player with my dad, even though you can't tell cause, well let's face it, my children are naughty!! Ever was a lion cub with a bow so they would know she was a girl. It was Brennen's costume a few years back, we like to recycle. Is Eden not hilarious as a baseball? That was Ever costumes last year, but it was an egg to Brennen's chicken which is what Bennett is wearing. Seriously, good thing I was around that night or no kids would have had a costume. I didn't want to bust out the hoopla costumes because it had to be great for the party!!

Here's the group at the Hoopla we had honorary members drive all the way up from St. George to be with us!! They were the fairy clan, very cute!!! Christy was a bun in the oven because she's prego and Bennett was a rolling pin. Marie and Tracy were the blue man group, scared the children. My aunt Jilene ROCKED the place as a bunny!! Oh man she was funny. Natalie was UP! Complete with the dangling old man and boy. And last but not least....

Meet Grelda and Gwen Gnome!! Brennen was Gus and was the funniest one but refused to wear his complete ensemble. He cost us the win I believe!!

The Howlypics were hilarious once again and we got good recordings this time!! I will have to post them once I steal them from my mother. It all turned out great!! Now I know some of you are jealous and would like to join next year so here is your invite!! The more the merrier it makes the Howlypics that much more fun. There are however a few mandatory items. #1. You have to be willing to embarrass yourself. #2. Costumes are a must!!! #3. Eating is also a must!! See you all next year!!