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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Funniest Video!


Megan said...

That is pretty dang funny. That kid is my new hero (my requirements are few). In fact, if you regularly could be one too! Kiddding. How are you and Brennen feeling, any better? I hope so!

10zfam said...

Ha! that made me laugh so feakin' hard. i love it.
also, it's good to know you are still alive

Chelsie said...

Ha, that video cracks me up! I love it! Thanks for the post..and the laugh

Brandon & Tiff said...

That was so funny! I called Brandon in here to watch and we were crackin up! Thanks for the laugh.

C and C Young said...

Marcia! How are you? Your fam is so freakin' cute. It was fun to hear from you, err..have a comment from you. Don't be a stranger. Thanks for the encouraging labor was very much appreciated.