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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hilarious video!

I know I just posted but Carter came to play today and you have to see this video!! Holy crap Carter makes me laugh so hard!

And this one..

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Let's play catch up!

Frontrunner and TRAX experience

So I decided to try out Frontrunner and head on down to SLC to lunch with my sister Marie and Megan (Chelsie you have to quit ignoring us!!) and it was quite the experience! I was slightly terrified to do this because I had my double stroller (Kudos to you Heather for going anywhere!!) I kept telling Marie I was scared the doors were going to close on me and I would be stuck and she said I was crazy (you just keep on reading people!) So Frontrunner went good and here we are happy.

But then I had to get on TRAX. OK totally impossible with a double stroller, so I went to the handicap ramp, TRAX employees RUDE!! I got yelled at. And so we were at a crossroads,but at least I got a break and had lunch.
Here's Brennen and Anna after lunch, don't they look like they could be brother and sister?? Lucky kids aren't they cute and whose even cuter?? Their mothers!!
Here we are stuffed and happy!! Thanks for taking the picture Marie!! So back to the trip home I was a bit scared on how I was going to get back on TRAX so my loving sister decided to come home with me!! And guess what? My fear came true!!! We did get shut in the door at Frontrunner, and who was the one stuck in the closed door? The certain person who made fun of my fears!! KARMA!!! HAHA

The Cabin

Here are the boys by the river at the cabin, if Brennen is up there he is throwing whatever is on the ground, mostly rocks, in the river. And he is the happiest boy in town!! What a funny little boy. And this time he got lucky cause dad had bubbles! And his uncles were having a good time too they were seeing who could throw a rock and hit the bubbles Kurt was throwing. BOYS!

And who knew all I had to do was put Ever on a feathered pillow and she would sleep like an angel! Don't worry people her nose is clear of all fabric!! This is Brennen loving his sis!! He is so sweet with her, sometimes he loves her a bit too much!


So I've been trying to get into shape, since I let myself go with the pregnancies (Not once but twice) so my sweet husband has been going with me. Me and Kurt go hiking twice a week and when I'm not doing that I am running with Bandino (my dog) or biking with the kids in tow.


Here's how I found my kids after a long bike ride. Brennen cracks me up, he has to be touching her to make sure she is ok all the time!! What a good big brother.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Disasters and Blessings

So I made this delicious oatmeal butterscotch bar thingy and I set it on my stove so I could frost it. MISTAKE! I didn't realize that I had set it on the burn unit I had just turned off (so piping hot) yeah it totally exploded and I had my baby in my arms. I had a bit of a freak out. What a waste of good food.

There was glass everywhere!! I had actually wiped some of it off when I thought to take pictures. Oh man what a mess!
But then I redeemed myself and made these! Thank you gifts for my visiting teachers!

The blessing turned out so nice! Kurt did such a good job, and we had TONS of yummy food. How I amnot a whale is beyond me.

How cute is she??
The sisters! So pretty

Check out my sisters blog (Marie) she has ONCE AGAIN out done me and has posted some really cute blessing pictures!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Try 2!

So I go to Kiddie Kandids to get my free announcements you get when your have a kid. Can I just tell you how that went! We took 4 pictures total FOUR!!! And were there for an hour and a half, and not because of the KK workers they were great. It was my crazy children who caused the stress. Brennen kept laying on top of Ever and making her cry or just flat out wouldn't do what we asked him too, and poor Ever was hungry for her close up and just couldn't function. But these are what I got. Whooo!

This isn't the actual announcement it was much cuter and it was free!
They had these cute collages on sale (KK is expensive) and I only had three other pictures so I did it. Again this isn't the original it is much cuter.
Here are my crazy kids!