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Friday, October 10, 2008

The itsy bitsy spider, mom dumb (he means gum)

As you all may know when you first learn to talk some consonants are hard to pronounce for Brennen they are the K and G sounds. He used to call Kurt Dirt and I found it hilarious and apparently for Kurt it's payback.

Brennen singing the Itsy Bitsy Spider all by himself!


Niki said...

Cute, he just turned two also right? I can tell he is the same age as Lizzie, but he performs for the camera a lot better than Lizzie.

Jaclyn said...

that is so cute. i love when they first learn to say words. reese talks to well now it's not very fun anymore. thats ok. now she comes up with cute phrases

Katie said...

He is adorable! I miss that stage! Now all I do is try to stop them from talking because they're such maggots!

ShaeMarie and Ryan said...

Ha! I love how Kurt is the one that makes him say "mom gum!" Little does he know that you were quite the competitor back in la clase de espanol! You were one smart cookie, no mom dumb! Brennen is going to love looking back on these videos when he is older, what cute parents you make!

Megan said...

Our kids are going to get married and then their kids will have all sorts of problems when they talk. Anna's L's are Y's so 'letters' is 'yetters'. Her R's are W's so 'grandma' is 'gwandma'. It's hilarious! Brennen is talking so much more now! We need to hang out again soon.

Chelsie said...

i agree with megan we do need to hang out again....this time i will come because coop is on the one nap now too. i love these videos...brennan is so cute, mom gum, that's hilarious..and clever

Marie Rose said...

Very cute. I love the dumb mom...that's classic. i can't wait to see the halloween costume. I still need to think of one. If you have any good ideas so I don't lose my rein please let me know.